Holding Our Anger
Bundle Program
Healing Anger Program for Indigenous Women is a trauma-informed, creative and innovative therapeutic group program that includes the cultural needs of Indigenous women and acknowledges the ongoing impacts of colonization in contemporary society. It moves beyond a "traditional" anger management program by offering a historical and cultural perspective (a combination of Ceremony, talking circles and expressive arts) where Indigenous women can learn more about the roots of their anger; and how to express anger in healthier ways. The objective is to promote personal growth by healing from past collective and individual hurts and trauma.
This is a 12 week, closed Circle that runs 3 times per year
September-December | January – March | April –June
The program is grounded in the belief that, whether families stay together or not, adults and children must remain safe and free from abuse.
To explore and develop a deeper understanding of historical and intergenerational factors that impact Indigenous women.
To learn more about the roots of anger and anger responses
To learn more about trauma responses and trauma physiology
To learn how to identify and express emotions and memories that trigger feelings of anger.
To develop constructive ways to express feelings, thoughts and actions in healthy, creative, and assertive ways.
To develop tools for coping with anger while exploring emotions through talking circles, expressive arts and traditional cultural practices.
To promote personal growth that focuses on healing from past hurts and trauma.
Teaching 1
Understanding Anger and Impacts on Women
Teaching 2
How Anger Affects Your Brain and Body: Cues for Understanding Anger
Teaching 3
Indigenous Women and Anger: Intergenerational Impacts
Teaching 4
Anger and the Body
Teaching 5
Many Faces of Anger and Expression Styles
Teaching 6
Boundaries and Anger
Teaching 7
Communication Styles and Confronting Unhealthy Anger
Teaching 8
WE ARE FAMILY - The Roots of Anger
Teaching 9
Unresolved Grief and Loss (Part one)
Teaching 10
Unresolved Grief and Loss (Part two)
Teaching 11
Self-esteem, Self-Compassion, Anger and Healing
Teaching 12
The Path Forward and Graduation Ceremony
​There is also a follow up Circle which runs typically 6-8 weeks after completion of the 12 week program.
Women who self-identify having Indigenous Ancestry (18 years and older) are encouraged to self-refer but may also be referred by a variety of agencies.
Women can be voluntary or mandated to attend anger management programming.
Women participate in a formal intake process (1 – 1.5 hour process) with a Healing Anger Program for Indigenous Women group facilitator where personal history, risk to self and/or others, readiness for change and commitment to a 12 week closed group setting are explored and assessed.
Women are expected to be open to sharing within a group setting, participating in expressive arts and to completing self-awareness exercises between weekly sessions as part of the program experience.
Participants must contact the office for an intake interview before attending circles.
Intake Process
Intake appointments are held three times per year. Women interested in attending the program must contact Aboriginal Counseling Services to get an appointment to complete the intake process with one of the program facilitators. This is necessary to be considered for acceptance into the program.
Women calling for an intake appointment outside of the scheduled intake periods will be offered the option to place their name on an intake waitlist for the next program.
Funded by: Alberta Health Services
There is no cost to attend this program.
Parking and Child Care
Please note we do not have any client parking available or any childcare onsite so please make other arrangements for your children while you are attending your intake appointment and while attending the 12-week program.

“You wonderful ladies have been on my mind lately along with the rest of the group. I thought I would just check in and let you know I am doing well. You ladies were my first stepping stone to my healing journey. I would like to thank you for the teachings in your program. It has helped me in so many ways. My voice I didn't have before your program is now becoming louder and stronger. I grew courage and was able to let the negativity go in my life. In which I moved back home... I never thought I would do. At first I was nervous and scared yet relieved. My mother helped me find a job with her at XXX healing and wellness which is a rehabilitation center. I am now helping others on their own healing journeys. I am so thankful for finding the program it helped me find my confidence and to believe in myself. I feel I am headed on the path I am supposed to be on. To reconnect with my lost culture and my lost traditions. To help others find their path on their healing journeys. So thank you once again.”
— FEMALE GRADUATE, Healing Anger Program